Under 8s match report


‘A’ Team








1st half

Game kicked off and both teams seemed quite well matched as the boys were up for keeping their unbeaten start going. Good early pressure from ourselves forced an early corner which they managed to defend well and with their keeper in good form it looked like 0-0 written all over the game. With one of our many good attacking moves we opened up Keynsham to force another corner which Owen delivered to George’s path. As he flicked it up to hit the shot the Keynsham defence manage to get a block on it as it was heading goal bound. The game was starting to open up with spaces for both team’s to attack but once again Brandon and his defence didn’t want to concede a goal (five clean sheets in a row). With a change made and Matthew now on and causing Keynsham problems with his running, he managed to slip a pass through to the Birdman to make it 1-0 just before half-time.

During the half-time team talk we talked about getting back to basics with our passing and moving from previous weeks.

2nd half

We kicked of this half and straight away you could see the boys had taken on board what was said at half-time (master stroke by the boss man) and we starting to create chances with some really good passing moves. From one of Brandon's long goal kicks the birdman stole the march on the Keynsham defence to slot the ball past the keeper to make it 2-0 to us. At this point the boy’s were playing a totally different game from the first half, but from a rare goal keeping error Keynsham rattled the cross bar with a free kick which was a let off for us. This just made the boy’s raise their game even more and Dan Bowden was unlucky with his effort just going wide of the post. At this stage the Birdman was hungry for a hat trick and he was hassling players all over the pitch. We then produced the move of the match as it started from our defence to centre midfield to left wing to a cross into the box which the Birdman met on the volley to complete his hat trick and make it 3-0 to us, but it was a good display by both teams.

M.O.M : DAN WETMORE : He was strong all over the pitch and took his goals well.













1ST half

The game kicked off in the same way as the first match, but once Kaka started to boss the midfield battles and Josh sorted out the defensive side of the game we started to play some nice passing football. After some good work down the left wing Kaka crossed to find Callum who hit a first time shot on the turn to make it 1-0 to us. Keynsham try to react straight away but Josh & Rhys deal with it well and pass it out of defence to find Kaka. Kaka in turn passes to Oliver who returns it to Kaka who thumps in a shot goal bound. the shot gets blocked but Tyler is there to poke the ball home 2-0 to us. In a game where Kaka is in total control he goes on one of his trade mark runs straight through the opposition but gets brought down in the box for a penalty. He dusts himself down to take it but the keeper saves well which was unlucky for him as his run deserved a goal. Half time 2-0 to us.

In the half-time talk I just told the boys to keep it the same second half and goals would come.

2nd half

Game kicked of and we went straight about Keynsham looking for more goals. Keynsham try to hit us on the break but Josh clears his lines well and the ball falls to Kaka who makes a powerful run towards goal. He smashes a low shot into the bottom corner of the net to make it 3-0 to us. We are now starting to show the sort of passing football that we can play when allowed time on the ball. From a Keynsham clearance Kaka once again beats two players but his pass just falls short of Callum and Keynsham manage to clear their lines and attack us with their number 6 putting in a cross. Ellis holds onto it and then sends his goal kick long. Captain Kaka controls it first time and beats his marker and heads towards goal to make it 4-0 with another good finish. From a Keynsham attack Josh does one of his trade mark step overs and finds Callum with a pass. Callum in turn finds Kaka who slots the ball through to Tyler who beats two players and then slots it past the keeper for his second of the game and our fifth to make it 5-0 to us. Full-time 5-0 to us.

M.O.M : JOSH SEELEY : He is the unsung hero of the team or as some put it the rock of our defence and he just does the simple things easy, and plays the game with a smile.



POINT NUMBER 1: I would like to thank the parents who referee our home games for us which I'm grateful for as it means I can give the boys my full attention.

POINT NUMBER 2: I would also like to thank the boys for their behaviour at training and match days.

POINT NUMBER 3: Could we please insure all sub’s are paid to Shirl within next two weeks so we can sort membership cards.

POINT NUMBER 4: Christmas party tickets are now on sale for all members of the team and family, it includes disco and buffet.

POINT NUMBER 5: If you have any problems about training or the way I run my team don’t be afraid to ask me question’s as we need feed back to be able to improve as a person and a manager. You can ring me or e-mail if you don’t get time to talk to me at training or a match.